Top 5 Questions of west coast swing social dancer.

Top 5 West Coast Swing Questions

Top 5 Questions of west coast swing social dancer.

We've basically included actual emails and our responses to help want to be dancers understand more on how to make a successful art of dancing Modern West Coast Swing..

Q1. I have trouble with the double and triple rhythm. My timing is off from the music.

“I took a weekend event west coast swing workshop with some awesome Pros.  I had only seen the west coast swing online on social media.  What a an amazing dance! The most captivating and musical dance I've ever seen. To describe my situation more precisely, in the workshop I was struggling with direction and finding the beat for both Rhythms.  After the lesson I was brain fried, so I didn't take the 2nd workshop, rather opted for watching to try and understand more about my job as a dancer.  

Response: Don't be disillusioned, it takes a few lessons to start to feel comfortable learning a new skill or veen dance style. Our simple fix. Check out some of our Free online videos for footwork drills and musicality  to help you practice at home before you attend the next class. There are a few good videos to help you stay on time! 

Video 1:

Video 2:

Q2. How to gain confidence on the dance floor? most Westies look so good and I felt like a beginner all the time, thanks to Shane Keri Dance.

My self confidence is now on the up and my dance skills are improving all the time, I can dance and I know my basics and I am starting to really feel part of the social scene.

Now thanks to trusting my teachers my dancing and especially West Coast Swing is so much fun, I know understand why people love this sport they cal dance, west coast swing.. 

I now have under my belt, a few competitions, JnJ's to be exact and have performed in 2 ProAm routine dances with Shane.. 

My first time competing, I love this dance and I am now going to encourage my teenage children to take up dance. I have now danced the things that I have always admired others doing, but in the beginning I never pictured myself doing!

Dancing can and has  changed my life in many ways. all for the positive”

Video 1:

Response: In reality it's only our mind that stops us from achieving greatness. In actual fact anyone and everyone Yes, EVERYONE at some point finds it imitating to try something new. You are definitely not alone there. The Key and its a big one, JUST GO AND DO IT. ITS OK TO BE A BEGINNER AGAIN. If we are patient, and just enjoy the journey of the learning process you ARE more than good enough!  

Need more help? Private lessons or online lessons may help. Check out or Free Videos online on Youtube & Insta

Q3.  Remembering my patterns as a Lead

“Why do I struggle and forget any new moves after learning them. It appears I have a memory problem or the lesson isn't long enough to practice, how do I improve my retention”

“ My most annoying  WCS frustration is forgetting new moves after learning them.”

Response: Take a look at our WCS shorts for your core basic and look at our 5 tips on working on simple variations to these core moves and then you can expand out much easier I am sure.

Q4.    I don’t have anyone to practice with, it's so frustrating,  “I love my WCS and go to lessons weekly, always attend the SKDance monthly dance party. But struggle to find a regular partner to practice with”

“Im not so new to west coast swing and meet plenty of people but there isn't anyone that wants to practice mid week, AH! what can I do?....

Response: Practicing by yourself takes some motivation, but it can be rewarding. It's knowing the secret to keeping it fun......  Perhaps asking Shane or Keri to teach you some West Coast Swing Line dances, these dances will give you ways to practice quality of movement, rhythm variations, performance value and musicality to name a few tips. 

Check out our Line dance Videos on Youtube. 

Video 1:

Video 2:

5.    I want to improve my creativity & musicality as a follower.

“My Husband and I got into WCS 10 years agoafter years in Salsa. Learning cool patterns / moves is easy, but I feel my main struggle when I look at a video of my dancing, I struggle with learning to play with my partner in the music I want to look and feel like the rest of the cool West Coast Swing World”

Please Help “My following technique, as I feel I lack the ability of styling it up and appear to be boring. 

Response: For help with musicality watch some of our VIDEOS and also Check out our WCS Line dance Videos on Youtube .

Video 1:

Video 2:

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